Lately, you may have seen the commercials starring several Hollywood actors encouraging you "not to vote". They are so convinced that the American people are so foolish that the mere appearance of some of our favorite Hollywood liberals using reverse psychology will make us rush to the polls, ostensibly to cast our vote for Barack Obama. Not that they say this in that commercial, but anyone who pays a scintilla of attention to the television will have seen most of these people sporting Obama shirts, signs or stumping for him. This commercial is frankly insulting to me since I don't need to have a mega-star tell me that my vote is "not important" while secretly trying to convince me that it is. And, to add insult to injury, the knowledge that this "Public Service Announcement" is really a veiled attempt at reminding the "sheeple" of America that Hollywood will be voting and that they will be voting for Obama. Of course, maybe this is a good thing. If Barack Obama is elected then the economy will be on the road to a fast recovery right? For example, since he has stated repeatedly that he will give a tax cut to anyone making less than $250,000 a year and will tax the hell out of those making more than that - to the tune of 50%, then our tax revenues should increase exponentially. I wonder if these Hollywood liberals who are so quick to remind us to vote have thought this thing through. Last time I checked, most of them make upwards of $1,000,000 per film (many of them making 5-10 times or more than that); at that tax rate, they would pay $500,000 to the federal government on each million that they earn. Take Julia Roberts, for example, she gets paid roughly $25 million per film. Is she really prepared to accept a paycheck of $12.5 million instead? I sure hope so because she was on TV last week wearing an Obama T-shirt and promoting "change". So, maybe it's not such a bad thing for the rich to pay half of their income in federal taxes when our economy is struggling so badly after all. At least they will still have their gigantic mansions to live in when the rest of America is out on the street because we lost our jobs when Obama taxed our employers to the nth degree. I HOPE they have saved for a rainy day, because without roofs over our heads or money in our pockets, we certainly won't be able to afford the $9.00 movie tickets to support them. If this is the politics of change and the future we can look forward to, I pray that American citizens wise up and choose their own President instead of listening to Hollywood. They make great films, but this is NOT a movie set - this is our country and the clock doesn't stop at 2400.
The PSA is available for viewing in the Video Bar on this page. Just in case you haven't yet seen it.
Well you know, it is patriotic to pay half your wad to the government. Isn't that what Biden said in the debate? Anyway- those mega-rich always find the loopholes that allow them to end up paying less than the middle class losers. Except, of course, the mega-rich liberals who would feel it's their patriotic duty to pay their leader (Obama) their membership dues (to the club of we-know-better-than-red-state-hicks). Well let them! Maybe Americans will stop going to $10 movies when they don't have jobs, and then $25 mil per movie for one actor is going to be pretty hard to earn. I can only hope and pray that would happen!
I couldn't agree more, it really is an important angle to study.
Hi! I noticed that my website isn't appearing well just in case you want to read what I think about social issues being an activist myself. Cheers!
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